Well I was watching Vampire in Brooklyn the other day (That movie sucked so bad, no pun intended, I was laughing through the whole thing... at things I don't think were supposed to be funny. All I could think was "Oh sh*t! That vampire looks just like Eddie Murphy") and when it got to the point where John Witherspoon sees Eddie Murphy transform from a werewolf to some kind of Ultra Perm-wearing pimp, I got to thinking: mosquitoes would make a better animal for vampires to be associated with than bats or wolves, right?
I'm gonna git you suckER
Everyone is so obsessed with vampires these days. Twilight. "True Blood." Anne Rice's books/films. That last movie Aaliyah was in. Um... Blacula.
Well I was watching Vampire in Brooklyn the other day (That movie sucked so bad, no pun intended, I was laughing through the whole thing... at things I don't think were supposed to be funny. All I could think was "Oh sh*t! That vampire looks just like Eddie Murphy") and when it got to the point where John Witherspoon sees Eddie Murphy transform from a werewolf to some kind of Ultra Perm-wearing pimp, I got to thinking: mosquitoes would make a better animal for vampires to be associated with than bats or wolves, right?
I mean, they literally suck your blood and can sometimes kill you (see malaria or yellow fever). You can't keep them away with garlic (or can you?) but a can of OFF works. Depending on how big it is, I don't think you'd be able to stab a mosquito in the heart with a wooden stake, but a big book or whatever you have laying around works. They really are like real-life vampires!
Basically I'm pissed because I have mosquito bites literally from head to toe. Like, right in the middle of my forehead to the bottom of my foot (damn the mosquito that gave me THAT one!!!). It is so serious.
Well I was watching Vampire in Brooklyn the other day (That movie sucked so bad, no pun intended, I was laughing through the whole thing... at things I don't think were supposed to be funny. All I could think was "Oh sh*t! That vampire looks just like Eddie Murphy") and when it got to the point where John Witherspoon sees Eddie Murphy transform from a werewolf to some kind of Ultra Perm-wearing pimp, I got to thinking: mosquitoes would make a better animal for vampires to be associated with than bats or wolves, right?