
Left-Handers Day!

Today is Left-Handers Day, y'all. A life-long lefty, I can personally attest to the awesomeness that is being left-handed/right-brained. I even wrote a paper about it in college! It's not without it's downsides though: I remember crying in preschool because I couldn't use the same scissors as all the other kids cry. And don't even get me started on 3-ring binders, writing in notebooks, and can openers.

Anyways, here are some fun facts about left-handers and being left-handed to kick start YOUR Left-Handers Day wink

From Wiki:

Left-handedness is the preference for the left hand over the right for everyday activities such as writing. Most left-handed people exhibit some degree of ambidexterity. Left-handedness is relatively uncommon; 90 to 93 percent of the adult population is right-handed.

Historically, the justification of forcing use of the right-hand was in part due to the difficulty left-handers had writing with liquid ink or fountain pens. When writing with these pens, the side of the left-hander's hand would smear the writing as it passed over the still-wet ink. While not as prone to this, modern ballpoint pens do not entirely eliminate this smudging. Writing in pencil also smudges the graphite as the hand passes over what has just been written. A simple solution to smudging and hook-hand writing is to rotate the writing paper about 20 degrees clockwise.

In his book Right-Hand, Left-Hand,Chris McManus of University College London argues that the proportion of left-handers is rising and left-handed people as a group have historically produced an above-average quota of high achievers. He says that left-handers' brains are structured differently in a way that widens their range of abilities, and the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the language centers of the brain.
Famous Left-Handers:
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama

Jay Leno
David Letterman
Bart Simpson

James Baldwin

Kurt Cobain
Jimi Hendrix
Paul McCartney

M.C. Escher
Leonardo Da Vinci [EDIT: hey, the last three are also Ninja Turtles!]
Some ho in high school found out I was left-handed and made this smart-ass remark: "You know they used to burn you guys on stakes, right? Like witches?"

... Thanks for sharing, ho.

Be the opposite of that bish today and celebrate a left-hander in your life!