
R.I.P. Aaliyah 1979-2001

I was so sad when Aaliyah died, though admittedly I didn't really get in to her music until shortly before she died and really heavily thereafter. She seemed like a nice person: smart, driven and talented. Especially after watching her MTV Diary, losing her was like losing a good friend.

I remember when her song off the Dr. Doolittle soundtrack came out, "Are You That Somebody." I heard that song literally everywhere that summer: on the radio, on TV, at camp (organized dance routines to this song--times infinity--for the win), blaring through car systems. My cousins and I used to wonder why she always wore those shades and the bang to the side covering her eye when she first came out (one theory was she had a lazy eye. lol). I dug her style though.

Shades + bang action

True fax: Some idiot stole my Aaliyah poster sophomore year of college while I was packing up for summer. I'm still mad about that mess mad (OK, not really. I replaced it with one off eBay smile)

Rest in peace Ms. Haughton! You are still missed.