
People who are having worse days than you

I've been feeling a little down lately. I have NO JOB, no cat (if I got one now it would definitely be eating better than me... can't have that), I'm still living at home (once you get used to living on your own, coming back is never really the same neutral), my dad's sick (but getting better I suppose). I can't even motivate myself to apply for anymore jobs, it's such a tedious and lengthy process. Especially if you're applying for "gub'ment jobs," jobs that I rarely hear from despite my bangin' resume, charm and good looks. I included that last part for *flair* but you get my drift. Ugh.

Even Craigslist is a bust. You have to sift through SO MANY SCAMS to even find a job that looks interesting much less legit. The last job I got through Craigslist was working at The Gap and the manager's last words to me were "You'll never work retail again in this town [angry face]." I really want to prove her right.

Anyways, I decided to compile some pictures I found of people having worse days than me. And probably you too...

Pigeon: 2. Little boy: 0.

Meter maids = Professional haters. That + having your tire blown out = a perfectly sucky day

All the $$$ in the world can't stop people from busting in and taking pictures of you peeing! (This is Steve Wozniak, btw.)

"Carrie had THC in her system..." POW! Right in the kisser.
I love this video.