If you've been following my hair update posts, you'll remember me
contemplating interlocking my hair.
Interlocking is a way to tighten up dreadlocks; you just weave the dread in on itself.
The last time I washed my hair, this is what it looked like a couple days later:

I wanted to tighten up my looser "front" dreads; they didn't seem to be taking nearly as quickly as the ones in the back. I was a little worried about the locs looking even all the way through if I did decide to interlock.
Fed up with the fluffiness, I took the plunge. This is the result of my interlocking most of the top portion of my hair yesterday. Love!

You can hardly notice any difference in the width of the interlocked hair versus the non-interlocked hair. And the front dreads look more like dreads now instead of loose hair. Yay.

I am loving the mophead look.

The front matches the back (finally!)