
Remixing my wardrobe

I used to be quite the impulse buyer. Almost every shopping trip ended with me purchasing something I had no intention of buying when I first set out. Nowadays, I'm a lot more conscious of what I add to my wardrobe. If I see something I Absolutely Must Have while out shopping or browsing, I stop to think if I already have something similar in my wardrobe. If the item is very unique, I think twice about how (and if) I can fit it in with the clothes I already have.

Building upon that philosophy, I decided to dig through my closet and start brainstorming new outfits to wear out of what I already have. Though I'm generally a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl, it's good to mix it up every once in a while.

Now that over-the-knee socks and boots are in this fall season, I decided to pull out my black and white thigh-high athletic socks from American Apparel and see how I could possibly wear these in real-life (all the models on the site are wearing the socks with teeny tiny shorts, oversized shirts or nothing at all... AA please rolleyes)

The socks in question

Here's what I came up with:

The breakdown:
  • Necklace, thrifted
  • Tomato-colored sweater from H&M
  • Gold studded belt, also H&M
  • Navy blue Poplin Cross-Front Dress (AA)
  • Black & white thigh high socks (of course)
  • You can't see the shoes, but I paired this outfit with some flat black suede boots
I think the necklace is the best part of this outfit. It's a great statement piece smile

How are you remixing your wardrobe this fall?