- swag - If you use this word to describe yourself or your crew... guaranteed, none of y'all have it.
- hater(s) - Who are these "haters" exactly? What do you do that's so special that you think everyone's "hating" on you? STFU and get a life, narcissist.
- no homo - Seriously, you look more homo saying this than not. Suggestion: start saying "That's what he/she said." Much funnier.
- gay - I've already said my piece on this one.
- n*gga -
This word is steeped in so much controversy. Whether black people should say it to other blacks, why white people should never, EVER use this word in jest (or period, for that matter), etc. etc. blah blah blah. Let's just call a moratorium on the n-word. - jeggings - This is a neologism for "jeans" and "leggings." Jean leggings! Get it? Really, what is so hard about saying "jean leggings" instead of combining the words as some lame marketing ploy ("Hey, how about instead of calling things what they are, we make up a new word for them! Yeah!"). This sentiment also applies to combined celebrity couple names, à la Brangelina.
- Calling women "females" in regular convo - Saying this makes it sound like you're talking about an animal instead of a person. Besides, I know my gender, thanks.
- no bueno - Pet peeve: I hate when people say this. I'm all for multilingualism, but just say NO dammit.
- basic b*tch - This term gained momentum when comedian Lil Duval used it to describe some irrevelent ho from reality TV. Now it's been run into the ground--esp. on Twitter--and I'm tired of hearing that sh*t. Whatever happened to just calling someone a dumb slut?
Which words would you add to this list? I'll update with submissions (send via comment box or email).