Because it's been soooo long since I've seen a Disney cartoon, I kinda forgot how they are all basically musicals. I hate musicals
- First non-CGI movie Disney has put out in a minute
- Disney's first black princess! No more always having to be Princess Jasmine
- It looked cute
And of course, Ray!
After the movie, I was starving like a mug (I refused to let Date pay for movie theater food, to his relief. Four dollars for a small soda... wtf?!) so we went to Mickey D's. Only problem is, I was almost short of change at the drive-thru! I have an increasingly heavy change purse in my bag, so I try to use exact change as often as I can to lighten it up some. It was an agonizing and kinda funny 8 minutes as Date and I scrambled for the correct change to give the attendant. I don't think she found our antics amusing though, lol.
To further explain my change situation, I give exact change not only to lighten up my purse, but also because I hate getting change back. But, yeah, doing that at the McD's drive-thru just made me feel like a broke fool, lol. Oh well, I still got MY #11.
*Actually, it was between this and Armored, but Date agreed to let the lady choose