Anyways, on to date #2. Our second date finds me and my special fella friend in the same area where the magic first took place: Adams Morgan. Only this time, we bypassed the boozing and rap ciphers and settled on my favorite sushi spot
...Which just happens to be a few doors down from the rockin' little venue where we had our first date. ~*Memories*~ lol.
Anyways, because of our last date, we were determined to keep THIS date as dry as possible. What we lacked in liquor we made up for with another awesome time
We had a seat by the window so we could catch all the people outside walking past as we ordered and waited for our food. The meal itself was delicioso, and also quite beautiful to look at. In fact, Date said it reminded him of bento boxes, which I covered in this post a few months ago. Cute and cultured! What more could a girl ask for, lol.
Presentation is everything, especially in a lot of Asian cuisine, and our chef did not disappoint. I WISH I had a working camera on my phone (notice the donation box to the right, folks!), or else I would have snapped a pic. We each got the sushi sampler meal, and the chef arranged little sashimi roses on both our plates. Then, using some kind of sauce, he also drew a butterfly on my plate! It was amazing.
I had to teach Date how to use chopsticks, which was fun. He's a pretty quick learner (except for dropping his nigiri right into the soy sauce, where it promptly fell apart... haha), so we were chowing down in no time.
After the date, we chilled inside Boquisha (pause), listening to my iPod, jammin' out and talking some more. We found out we have a helluva lot in common... other than having a low tolerance for alcohol, of course
Another date, wrapped up without incident. Yay me! A couple days later he calls and we organize our third date...