From the Facebook invite:
Calling all artists and art lovers! Please join the arts & media innovators at inCOLOR for a night of art, fashion and music. Mingle with fellow movers and shakers in the art industry and swap ideas with the fashionista next to you. Get to know a little more about the creative minds in your local community and show off your own artistic finesse too!
Live and inCOLOR presents F.P.P.O. will take place on January 28, 2010 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at TAG Galleries, located at 732 S. Broadway. Come out and network with the newest generation of artists: generation you.
Featured artist of the night Terry Plater is a Baltimore-based artist and graphic designer known for his cool, up-and-coming T-shirt line Fresh Toppings. Plater was one of the first local designers to be displayed at the downtown Di[ɘ]ce Boutique, located on 1211 S. Charles Street, and was previously featured on inCOLOR. Some lucky winners will also walk away looking fresh with an exclusive inCOLOR + Fresh Toppings T-shirt giveaway!
Visit inCOLOR to find out more, and stay Live and inCOLOR to know the who, what and where of what's happening within the art community. Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/in_COLOR and become a fan on Facebook at facebook.com/LiveandinCOLOR.