It reminds of my junior high school days when my friends (who were all girls, duh) wanted to dress the same every Friday for some stupid reason. It was always an epic failure! No matter how hard we tried, we never matched.LMAO. I love Michael K.
For example: we would all agree to wear a red-shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, because that's something we all had in our closet. Friday would come and not one bitch would get it right. One bitch would wear a hot pink t-shirt with blue jeans and white shoes. Another ho would wear a red t-shirt with a giant Tasmanian Devil on the front. The rest of us would claim we forgot and wear something completely different. This would cause one dumb ho to ask the important question, "How can we be down forever if we can't even do this one little thing together? The school needs to know how tight we are." Then we would all hug and promise to try harder next week. But nobody would. Junior high was so bizarre.
[via dlisted]