... are causing quite the stir. There's even a NYT article on them. I don't know if I can get behind this trend. Yeah shaving is a pain, but I always figured it was better than having two koalas growing at my calves. And my anti-hirsuteness extends to men as well; trim that sh*t up!
Mo'nique has said before that not shaving your legs is a "black woman thing"... ::cricket chirps:: Guess I missed THAT memo. So dudes that read my blog, would you get jiggy with a chick with hairy legs? Does it even matter? SHOULD it matter? Inquiring minds (and legs/armpits/and for some broads, upper lips & chests) want to know.
I'll supplement this with some funny ish I've heard about shaving (or not):
- It'll grow back thicker if you do
- That only old school prostitutes used to shave to prove they weren't harboring lice (eww)
- It's a "black thang" to let it grow
- Not shaving is for the Euros. And hippies.
- Not shaving is unprofessional*
*Actually, for this one it depends. For chicks, if you're sitting at a desk all day, who cares what your legs look like. But if you're giving a presentation where your pits are on display, it's best to NOT have Buckwheat in a headlock. For dudes, I don't see the prahlem with a nice goatee. But showing up looking like a caveman is definitely unprofesh.