I recently started seeing someone, and our first few dates have been so hilariously fun and random, I just HAVE to share with you guys. So, without further ado, here's the tale of Date #1...
The evening started off well enough. He picked me up at my house and we went to this dope spot in Adams Morgan I had never been to. It was a bar/lounge/tiny stage area type deal, a very cool little venue. That particular night, the place was having their monthly party: basically an open mic, but instead of the lame poetry of DC's most emo, the open mic was a rap cipher. Hotness!
We posted up at the bar and ordered some drinks. The bartender was making them so weak, so even after 3 cranberry & vodkas (him) and 3 rum & cokes (me... my limit when drinking or taking shots of anything is 3, after that I'm DONE) I was barely tipsy. Oh well, I wasn't trying to get wasted on the first date anyways.
We were chatting and whatnot, finishing our drinks and chillin. Seeing our drinks were almost done, the bartender offered us some Kamikaze shots.
"Wanna do shots with the bartender?" he asked us.
We figured it was his way of making up for those weak a$$ drinks.
"Sure," we said.
He made our shots and we downed those joints, figuring that if his drink-making skills were any indication, his shot-making skills would also be sub-par. That's when the cipher started. My date and I moseyed up to the stage area and had a great view of the cipher taking place. We were both having a great time. Not too much later, intermission was called and we went back to our seats at the bar.
"Another shot with me?" the bartender asked.
"OK, why not."
Right when that second shot was beginning to kick in, he whips it on us:
"That'll be $6 for the shots, man."
WTF?! When the bartender offers to do shots with you, that ish is supposed to be on the house. What a douchebag. Being the good sport he is, my date coughed up the dough while I secretly plotted vengeance on that sneaky a$$ bartender
Soon the cipher was on again... dudes were killin it! My special fella friend was taping most of it with a borrowed Flip video camera... Imma see if I can track the video down. Really, it was a dope time.
After that, the venue closed and everyone moved outside. This is where things get blurry for me. My date and I were chillin for a bit outside of the place; because he had the Flip video camera, dudes were tryna keep the cipher going in the skreets, lol. Ridiculous what some people'll do when a camera's present
As soon as we get to his car, that's when I completely knock out. Man, those Kamikaze shots did the sneak attack on me, I was DONE. Funnily enough (is "funnily" a word? Meh, Imma roll with it), that's when the evening really started...